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General Chemistry 2: Chemical Equilibrium

A 1.9 L vessel contains a gaseous mixture with 0.455 mol SO2_2, 0.183 mol O2_2, and 0.568 mol SO3_3. Is the reaction at equilibrium? If not, what is the direction of the reaction?

2 SO2_2 + O2_2 \leftrightharpoons 2 SO3_3, KC_C = 280

A 1 L reaction vessel contains 2.5 mol A, 3 mol B, and initially 0 C. Find the concentrations of all species at equilibrium.

A + 2B \leftrightharpoons 3 C , KC_C = 0.25

Find the equilibirium concentrations when starting with 0.50 M H2_2 and 0.50 M Br2_2

H2_2 + Br2_2 \leftrightharpoons 2 HBr , KC_C = 143

0.20 M I2_2 is placed in a reaction vessel. Find the concentrations of I2_2 and I at equilibrium.

I2_2 (g) \leftrightharpoons 2 I (g) , KC_C = 3.8 x 105^{-5}

Starting with 0.50 M N2_2O4_4, calculate the equilbrium concentrations of all species involved in the reaction below.

N2_2O4_4 \leftrightharpoons 2 NO2_2 KC_C = 1.2

Find equilbirium concentrations of each species when starting with 3.0 M I2_2

I2_2 (g) \leftrightharpoons 2 I (g) , KC_C = 3.8 x 105^{-5}

A 3.050 L reaction vessel contains 0.3500 mol CO, 0 mol Cl2_2, 0.05500 mol COCl2_2. Find the molarity of Cl2_2 at equilibrium.

CO + Cl2_2 \leftrightharpoons COCl2_2 , KC_C = 1200

A 2.5 L reaction vessel contains 0.55 mol PCl5_5, 0.55 mol PCl3_3, and 0 mol Cl2_2. Find the molarity of Cl2_2 at equilibrium.

PCl5_5 \leftrightharpoons PCl3_3 + Cl2_2 , KC_C = 3.8 x 102^{-2}

A 2.16 L reaction vessel contains 0.186 mol HCONH2_2, and 0 mol of NH3_3 and CO. How many moles of each substance are in the equilibrium mixture at 400 K? What is the pressure in the vessel?

HCONH2_2 \leftrightharpoons NH3_3 + CO , KC_C = 4.84

At 1000 K, 0.250 mol SO2_2 and 0.200 mol O2_2 react in a 10.0 L reaction vessel to form 0.162 mol of SO3_3 at equilibrium. What is Keq_{eq} at 1000 K for the reaction?

2 SO2_2 (g) + O2_2 (g) \leftrightharpoons 2 SO3_3 (g)

0.800 moles of N2_2 (g) are placed in a 7.00 L flask with 3.00 moles of H2_2 and allowed to react for some time. After several hours the concentrations of H2_2 (g) is measured at 0.278 M. What is the equilibrium constant for the reaction at this temperature?

N2_2 (g) + 3 H2_2 (g) \leftrightharpoons 2 NH3_3 (g)

Predict the effect an increase in H2_2 would have on the following reaction. What if we increase the temperature? If we remove H2_2O?

CO (g) + H2_2O (g) \leftrightharpoons CO2_2 (g) + H2_2 (g) + heat, KC_C = 5.10

3 A(s) + 5 B(g) \leftrightharpoons 5 C(g) + 6 D(s) \triangleH = 0 kJ

A. Predict the change in A when D is added

B. Predict the direction of reaction when the pressure is increased

C. Predict the direction of reaction when the heat is increased

Determine how the following changes will effect the concentrations of the reactants and products.

2 NO2_2 (g) \leftrightharpoons N2_2O4_4 (g) \triangleH = -58 kJ

A. Addition of N2_2O4_4

B. Removal of NO2_2

C. Increase in volume

D. Decrease in temperature

heat + 2 NO2_2(g) \leftrightharpoons N2_2O4_4(g)

Which of the following changes will not be effective in increasing the amount of N2_2O4_4? (more than one answer may be chosen)

a decrease in volume, an increase in heat, an addition of N2_2, or removal of N2_2O4_4

A vessel contains 0.5 M acetic acid, which dissociates as shown below. What is the concentration of the acetate ion at equilibrium, given the Ka_a below?

CH3_3COOH (aq) \leftrightharpoons CH3_3OO^{-} (aq) + H+^+ (aq) , Ka_a = 1.8 x 105^{-5}