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Calculus 1: Chain Rule

Use the chain rule to find the derivative of the following function,

f(x)=(4x2+5)10f(x) = {(4x^2 + 5)}^{10}

Use the chain rule to find the derivative of the following function

f(x)=3x3+10xf(x) = \sqrt{3x^3 + 10x}

Find the derivative of f(x)=25x2+3xf(x) = \frac{2}{5x^2 + 3x}

Given y=4(3x+4)5y = 4 (3x + 4)^5 find dydx\frac{dy}{dx}

Find the derivative of y=(2x5)2y = {(2x - 5)}^2

Practice the chain rule by finding the derivative of the following function

y=3x+4y = \sqrt{3x + 4}

Find the derivative of y=sin(3x21)y = \sin{(3x^2 - 1)}

Find the derivative of y=(x2+3x)7y = {(x^2 + 3x)}^7

Find the derivative of the following function

y=ln(x1)xπ+1y = \frac{\ln{(x - 1)}}{\sqrt{x^{\pi} + 1}}

Find the derivative of the following function

f(n)=sin(n2+en+1)f(n) = \sin{(n^2 + e^n + 1)}