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Physics Kinematics Example

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A ball is thrown upward from the ground with an initial speed of 25 m/s; at the same instant, another ball is dropped from a building 15 m high. After how long will the balls be at the same height?

To solve this problem, consider the motion of both balls separately. The first ball is thrown upward from the ground, and its vertical position changes as it moves upward, slows down, and eventually comes back down. The second ball, dropped from a height of 15 meters, starts with an initial velocity of zero and accelerates downward due to gravity.

For the ball thrown upward, you need to calculate how its height changes over time based on its initial speed and how gravity slows it down. For the ball dropped from the building, its height decreases steadily due to gravity pulling it down. The goal is to find the moment when both balls are at the same height by setting their vertical positions equal to each other and solving for the time.

Posted by Jake Hudson a year ago

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13.7 m/s

9.8 m/s

6.3 m/s

2.8 m/s