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First Missing Positive

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Given an unsorted integer array nums. Return the smallest positive integer that is not present in nums.

You must implement an algorithm that runs in O(n) time and uses O(1) auxiliary space.

class Solution:
    def firstMissingPositive(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        '''Step 1 -> The main idea behind it is that the minimum number to be found will always be in the range [1....n]
		             where 'n' is the length of list. So keep numbers in this range and mark others
					 (here we are marking them with (n+1) value) in the list provided.'''
        n = len(nums)
        for i in range(n):
            if nums[i] < 1 or nums[i] > n:
                nums[i] = n + 1
        '''Step 2 -> Ignoring the values greater than 'n', mark the indexes of the numbers in the range [1...n]
					 so as to ensure that this values are present. To mark the indexes, 
					 I am negating the value present at that index.'''
        for i in range(n):
            val = abs(nums[i])
            if val > n:
            val -= 1  #since the list is zero indexed,so every value will be at position val - 1
            if nums[val] > 0: 
                # For similar numbers, it will keep on fluctuating between negative and positive 
				# which is not our motive here.
                nums[val] = -1 * nums[val]
        '''Step 3 -> Return the first occurence of the non-negative numbers from the list'''
        for i in range(n):
            if nums[i] >=0:
                return (i + 1) # bcoz list is zero indexed
        '''Step 4 -> We will encounter this if no positives were found. This means that all the 
			         numbers are in the range [1....n]. So the missing positive number will be n+1'''
        return (n + 1)

Posted by Jamie Meyer 18 days ago