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Alien Dictionary

There is a new alien language that uses the English alphabet. However, the order among the letters is unknown to you.

You are given a list of strings words from the alien language's dictionary, where the strings in words are sorted lexicographically by the rules of this new language.

Return a string of the unique letters in the new alien language sorted in lexicographically increasing order by the new language's rules. If there is no solution, return "". If there are multiple solutions, return any of them.

from collections import defaultdict, deque
from typing import Dict, List, Set

class Solution:
    def alienOrder(self, words: List[str]) -> str:
        graph = defaultdict(set)
        inDegree = defaultdict(int)

        self._buildGraph(graph, words, inDegree)
        return self._topology(graph, inDegree)

    def _buildGraph(self, graph: Dict[str, Set[str]], words: List[str], inDegree: Dict[str, int]) -> None:
        # Create a node for each character in each word
        for word in words:
            for c in word:
                inDegree[c] = 0  # necessary for final char counting

        for first, second in zip(words, words[1:]): # or pairwise(words)
            length = min(len(first), len(second))
            for j in range(length):
                u = first[j]
                v = second[j]
                if u != v:
                    if v not in graph[u]:
                        inDegree[v] += 1
                    break  # Later characters' order is meaningless
                if j == length - 1 and len(first) > len(second):
                    # If 'ab' comes before 'a', it's an invalid order

    def _topology(self, graph: Dict[str, Set[str]], inDegree: Dict[str, int]) -> str:
        result = ''
        q = deque([c for c in inDegree if inDegree[c] == 0])

        while q:
            u = q.popleft()
            result += u
            for v in graph[u]:
                inDegree[v] -= 1
                if inDegree[v] == 0:

        # If there are remaining characters in inDegree, it means there's a cycle
        if any(inDegree.values()):
            return ''

        # Words = ['z', 'x', 'y', 'x']
        return result if len(result) == len(indegree) else ''


import collections

class Node(object):
  def __init__(self, val):
    self.val = val
    self.neighbors = []

  def connect(self, node):

  def getNbrs(self):
    return self.neighbors

class Solution(object):
  def alienOrder(self, words):
    :type words: List[str]
    :rtype: str

    def dfs(root, graph, visited):
      visited[root] = 1
      for nbr in graph[root].getNbrs():
        if visited[nbr.val] == 0:
          if not dfs(nbr.val, graph, visited):
            return False
        elif visited[nbr.val] == 1:
          return False

      visited[root] = 2
      self.ans += root
      return True

    self.ans = ""
    graph = {}
    visited = collections.defaultdict(int)
    self.topNum = 0
    for i in range(0, len(words) - 1):
      a = words[i]
      b = words[i + 1]
      i = 0
      while i < len(a) and i < len(b):
        if a[i] != b[i]:
          nodeA = nodeB = None
          if a[i] not in graph:
            nodeA = Node(a[i])
            graph[a[i]] = nodeA
            nodeA = graph[a[i]]
          if b[i] not in graph:
            nodeB = Node(b[i])
            graph[b[i]] = nodeB
            nodeB = graph[b[i]]
        i += 1
      if i < len(a) and i >= len(b):
        return ""

    for c in graph:
      if visited[c] == 0:
        if not dfs(c, graph, visited):
          return ""

    unUsedSet = set()
    for word in words:
      for c in word:

    for c in unUsedSet:
      if c not in graph:
        self.ans += c
    return self.ans[::-1]

Posted by Jamie Meyer 15 days ago